view plain view html

**Caution:** The current version is a BETA.

*Stable version checklist:*
- [ x ] ~~*Support all modern Browser and IE 9+*~~
- [ x ] ~~*Support CSS parse on server side*~~
- [ x ] ~~*performance optimization*~~


CSSC.JS is a JavaScript CSS Controller/Framework for managing Cascading Style Sheets in browser and/or on server.


## Installation
To use CSSC you must import the code into your project.
You can get the code from [GitHub](
* [CSSC source code (~ 47kb)](
* [Minified code (~ 13kb)](

### Browser

<!-- normal-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./path/to/csscjs/cssc-1.0.js"></script>

<!-- or minified -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./path/to/csscjs/cssc-1.0.min.js"></script>

### Server (Node.JS)

var CSSC = require('./path/to/csscjs/cssc-1.0.js');


## How to use

### Browser

The StyleSheets are generated at runtime in the browser and this is immediately available.

#### Example

<script type="text/javascript" src="./path/to/csscjs/cssc-1.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    // create an instance outside of the global name space
    var cssc = new CSSC()({
        body: {
            margin: 0,
            h1: {
                'font-size': 20

### Server 

On the server side, the StyleSheets have to be parsed. By parsing a CSS string is created.

#### Example

var CSSC = require('./path/to/csscjs/cssc-1.0.js'), cssString;

    body: {
        margin: 0,
        h1: {
            'font-size': 20

cssString = CSSC.parse();


## Documentation

### Controller (CSSC)

The documentation of the Controller Object can be found on [this page](./controller.html).

### Handler

The documentation of the Handler Object can be found on [this page](./handler.html).


## License

The project is under the [MIT License](